But first a few comments.
Win Rate is never a simple topic and there are different definitions. Do you measure all closed deals (won and lost) or all deals that you worked? Do you measure quantity or value? If I win one deal out of four, then the math says my Win Rate is 25% – but If the deal I won is three times the value of the deals I lost, my Win Rate if 50%. I wrote about that here.
I might also want to know the difference in Win Rate for new customer acquisition, versus new deals in existing customers?
I might also count Win Rate from when a deal is qualified as opposed to when marketing passed the lead to sales. All of these things matter.
In the following two charts you can see Win Rate from the buyer’s perspective and from the seller’s perspective. The buyer’s Win Rate is based on the number of vendors (N) involved in a buying cycle where the business was awarded to one vendor. Win Rate = 1/N
The seller’s win rate is based on the number of deals won (N_w) over the number of deals pursued (N_p): Win Rate = N_w/N_p
FIrst chart is Win Rate for new logo acquisition …
Next up is Win Rate for expansions in existing customers …
I hope you find the information useful.
The data behind these charts is from the research study Inside the Buyer’s Mind: The Buyer / Seller Value Index. The study, of 1,245 participants, was designed to simultaneously determine the perspectives of buyers and sellers and to uncover alignment and misalignment between them. The full report is available here.
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Donal Daly is Executive Chairman of Altify having founded the company in 2005. He is author of numerous books and ebooks including the Amazon #1 Best-sellers Account Planning in Salesforce and Tomorrow | Today: How AI Impacts How We Work, Live, and Think. Altify is Donal’s fifth global business enterprise.