I’m a bit of a geek / nerd / techy. I love technology. However, I worry about where we are today and where technology is headed. I worry about the over-reliance on technology to do our thinking for us and I worry about the deceit and betrayal of trust we see what happens when an…
A Customer Culture Story
I want to tell you a story about how investing time to learn about the person behind the buyer helped me in a very large sale. It was April 2015 and I participated in a Deal Review – at Altify, we call it an Opportunity Test and Improve – for a multi-million dollar deal with…
Inside the Company’s Mind
There is an old adage that says: ‘Companies don’t buy, people buy.’ The message is that, in order to get a company to buy something from you, you have to get the people in the company to buy. Of course, this is true, but I don’t subscribe to the notion that the two are disconnected.…
The Customer’s Decision Cycle
In order to improve your relationship with the customer, you first have to understand where you’re starting from – in the context of the customer’s decision cycle. Typically, when a customer is making an investment, they are doing so in response to a problem they need to solve, or an opportunity that they can see.…
When Customers Engage Sellers (It’s not when you think)
Contrary to some current misconceptions, B2B buyers are not in fact conducting much of the buying cycle unaided by sellers, evaluating solutions on their own, and only reaching out to suppliers in the late stages of their process. According to Inside the Buyer’s Mind, which researched over 1,200 buyers and sellers, over two-thirds (67 percent)…
Value of a Customer First Sales Process – The Results Are In
If you‘ve read many of my posts you know that I like to do a lot of primary research and look beyond opinion to real data to get insight into the reasons why certain companies perform better than others. Why is it that some companies experience win rates higher than average? How sales forecast accuracy…