So here’s the thing. There are really only two things that a salesperson controls; (1) who they call on, and (2) what they say when they get there. Ideally a seller is spending as much time preparing for and executing on the ‘what’ as he is deciding on the ‘who’. After all, no matter how well you have refined your…
Privilege and (In)Equality
Three things happened over just a few days that made me want to write this post. The first was a television documentary that I stumbled upon that told the story of a young woman from a low-income underprivileged area of Dublin in Ireland. Through a formal program at Trinity College Dublin, called the Trinity Access Program (TAP), a limited…
8 Things to Know About AI
[This is an extract from the last Chapter in my latest book: TOMORROW | TODAY: How AI Impacts How We Work, Live, and Think (and it’s not what you expect). In the book I try to navigate the impact of AI on business professionals in the knowledge economy—Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service—and demystify Artificial and Augmented…
What you can learn from the AI app you’re already using
About a billion people every month, who between them conduct about a billion searches every day, use Google Maps. It is now so ubiquitous, such a vital part of so many of our lives, that it feels odd to think it didn’t exist until 2005. Of all of the search giant’s many tentacles reaching octopus-like…
Can AI Revive Dead People? (No, I didn’t think so either)
When LinkedIn suggested today I connect with Richard I was surprised. You see I know Richard quite well (not his real name) or, should I say, I knew him. Sadly, he passed away a few years ago. LinkedIn uses very sophisticated (some would say creepy – read this) algorithms in its connections recommendations engine. It tracks…